One of my blog readers sent me an MP3 of Betty Carter singing this after my Happy Spring post. I should have been playing it last night when I finally got to break in my new springs.

What you’re seeing here is the bottom in a Fetters suspendable, leather lined sleep sack, then wrapped in my Fetters suspension sling. Weight-graded carabiners were attached at multiple points, primarily to the sling (which can be used horizontally, vertically, or even inverted!!) and then connected to springs tethered to various bondage points on my MetalBound rig. Underneath all that was a pin prick sheath around his cock and a C&B “bikini” harness (it kinda looks like this. But in rubber.).

The event itself was achieved after some collaboration between my bondage bottom and I. The hoists aren’t actually engaged — the entire suspension was solely by the springs — but I had them there as safety measures.

So here’s what I loved about this set up.

I loved the geekiness of it. The puzzle of solving HOW to do it. One of my favorite parts of play is just figuring out how to realize a vision. How to make it happen. And then it’s done and it’s just this giddy, “Fuck YEAH! I did that!” And it looks so cool, too, doesn’t it? Kinda sci-fi, yet warmed by the mirrors, the drapes, the colors of the room. Me.

I loved that he was really comfortable, yet totally helpless and immobilized. This means I can put someone in this position and there won’t be any distractions to interrupt the scene. Once I got him up and secure, I sat with my laptop, excitedly chatting online with MVX about what I was doing (had to tell someone. I was too pleased!).

I loved the potential of it. I want to do this again, and once the bottom’s up, invade him with electrics. (There are both rear and front entry zippers on the sleep sack … or I could have him wired up beforehand.) Or I could add the Venus2K on a timer. Or even just pricker pads on the nipples. I’m fantasizing about “abandonment” or overnights in this spring suspension. Just how long can someone handle it?

At one point, I climbed on top of him while he was suspended. I straddled him first, then lay my full length along his. The suspension straps made it a little uncomfortable for me, but I liked that it could be done and I think there’s more exploration that could happen here.

It was just all delicious fun. And now that I’ve got the blueprint, I’ll be doing a formal set up this weekend for the photo shoot. I’m also planning on doing a similar suspension, but vertical and with a straitjacket. I can just imagine having a client, his balls weighted, pulling him down, the springs holding him up, and me just somewhere in the middle of all that, driving him crazy.

Can you tell how excited I am? I can’t even make this post make sense!


  • Overnight abandonment in this set-up? Can it be done? I dunno, but I am sure willing to find out!
    BTW, I find abandonment much more intense when one does not know about it beforehand. When I know it will be an all-nighter, I sort of settle down for the duration. But not to know whether I am getting tied up for 5 minutes, 5 hours, or more, not to know whether a slight commotion in the room is just that or a harbinger of things about to happen, that gets my adrenaline up (among others), and sleeping with high adrenaline is an art form I have yet to master…:-)

  • Miss Orleans

    Wow! That is AWESOME!!!

    You must be just salivating over all the possibilities, but please save some of it for those of us who plan to come and visit…speaking of which…is that your cell phone ringing!!!



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