If you haven’t already read Part 1, start there….click here

Shortly after SM was fully bound, caged, and well on his way to utter submission, my phone rang. It was DL, a friend, play partner, and all around handy fella that I really enjoy having around. He was in town visiting and I suggested that he stop by. Here’s his version of what happened when he did.

Survival Rule #1: Don’t Anger The Big Cat.

“Come on over,” said Troy Orleans on my cell phone, “There’s somebody here, but it’s casual.”   Casual’s good, right? Thoughts of friends sitting around talking, maybe having a beer, maybe a ball game on. I was not expecting the hooded, manacled, naked man on all fours in Miss Troy’s bondage cage. The cage’s size and absolute rigidity of the metal bars did not allow the man much movement. Also limiting movement were the clover clamps that were rigged so as to try to connect the man’s nipples to his asshole; they didn’t succeed, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen nipples pulled more severely.

Despite all that, the man was moving as much as the small space allowed, involuntarily mostly, thanks that to the electrical leads attached to his balls and to the butt plug. Apparently there was a problem with the butt plug lead, because it would only fire when MTO nudged it with her toe or fingers, then it obviously fired off quite strongly, if the man’s cries were any indication. MTO told him to shut up and then single tailed him through the bars of the cage to drive home the point.

MTO was enjoying herself, as she typically does with play. The music was upbeat and she was dancing. She danced as she shocked the caged man’s balls, and danced as she fetched the next piece of equipment. She was smiling and radiant, especially when she fixed the electrical butt plug lead, and the pain drove the man to his elbows. “Breath through it. You’ll be fine in a few minutes.” She was having a good time.

Next came my part. MTO had just received a leather suspension set from Mr. S, the leather had the heft normally found on horse saddles, and wanted to try out a variety of riggings. (For those that don’t know, when MTO binds you, she is very thorough; you can’t move much.) What happened next was a bit of a blur, except that the caged man kept writhing and my suspension rigging kept changing. My clothing got scarcer, and the attacks on exposed parts of my body, particularly my testicles, kept increasing.

At one point, when MTO was dragging me by a spiked parachute harness attached to my balls the length of her suspension rig via its tracking beam, all I could was say “Ouch! ouch! ouch! ouch!…,” because I thought I was being castrated. She didn’t think ouch was very sexy, so she wanted me to say “Mmmm” or “Oooo”. I tried, I really did. I may have even gotten out a few of those, but I soon was back to “Ouch, ouch, ouch!…”

She was smiling, she was happy. She then knelt down, right underneath me, knees tightly together, looked at the guy in the cage, looked at me, slapped me in the face several times, and made a noise that made me think she was having an orgasm.

When the parachute testicle harness came off, there was a tiny bit of blood. “See?” I said jokingly, “I told you ‘ouch’”. I laughed at my joke. I was relaxing, things were improving, the intensely painful parachute harness was off. But MTO did not laugh. She did not think my joke was funny; a black wind swept the room and her eyes iced. “I’ll show you ‘ouch,’” she said.

Uh oh, I violated the first rule of primitive survival; I had made the big cat angry.   In quick succession, I was laid on top of the very cage where the naked man still rode his electrical roller coaster, and I was pierced with needles through my virgin nipples. I was then told to kneel and face the wall while she emptied the cage of its human contents, and then I was placed inside that cage.

Reaction: Being one of two slaves in play with MTO was a mind altering experience for me. When I first arrived at MTO’s studio, I thought it would be a short friendly visit and one without play for me, being that she seemed to have her hands full. When I realized that MTO’s hands had ample room left over for me, I got a bit scared. Sort of like seeing what the torturer has done to your buddies, and realizing it is now your turn. Or entering the Coliseum and seeing the mangled bodies of former gladiators, and realizing that the lion is once again being set loose. It’s unnerving to hear the moans of pain and the rattling of chains against iron bars of another person, while you yourself are being helplessly bound; like being in a circus haunted house, but for real. Ultimately, though, it was an awesome experience; satisfying both the voyeur in me, and the participant.

Afterwards, I remarked to MTO that I was impressed that he, the caged guy, had endured so much. “Oh, he’s just noisy,” she replied. I thought it was more than that, but I didn’t say so because, like I said, you don’t want to make the big cat angry.

Come back in a day or so for my take on the evening.


  • I so miss you, this evening just sounds like unexpectedly so much fun.

    Ah two slaves at your command and torment. His virgin nipples, bet that was quite a rush for him.

    • Aww, sweetie. You do? And here I thought you’d forgotten about me in your “Apres moi, le deluge” adventures…

      I’m sure it was quite a rush for him. It was quite a rush for me, too!

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