Was creeped out yesterday by a caller who, as soon as I answered the phone, launched into a thorough introduction, saying he’d seen my ad in DDI and was interested in the “Irresistible Bondage” and “Electrifying Edge Play” it mentions and that he was looking for someone who is a “sadist.”

“Great!” I said. “Can you tell me a little about your experience?”

“It’s going to shock you,” he says. Yeah. Ok. Sure, buddy.

“I’m 65 years old,” he starts. I roll my eyes. Nothing shocking about that.

He continues. “From my early 20s until I was 60 years old, I used to torture people non-consensually. I would give them electric shocks. Put stinging nettles, fire ants on their genitals as well as whip and cut and ….” he keeps detailing his tortures, but my brain went into shock shortly after “torture…non-consensually” and I don’t remember what exactly he said. He’s still talking when I interrupt him.

“Excuse me. Did you say these acts were done non-consensually? In what context? Was this personal or, say, government sponsored torture?” (Not that it made a difference, really.)

“It was all personal. I would invite house boys, pool boys, models to my home in Los Angeles and they didn’t know what they were coming for and …”

I couldn’t get off the phone fast enough.


  • Troy,

    Your post reminds me of one of the reasons it’s been so difficult for me to break away from a vanilla life and fully engage in the explorations of my kink. Regretfully, with any group there seems to be a fringe element that represents the worst possible view of things. Unfortunately, it’s these very people that are commonly represented in the media, creating an inaccurate image of the entire group.

    I recommend a soak in a nice hot bath and a glass of red wine to wash away the ick factor unleashed upon you during the call.

    You deserve better.


  • MTO,

    What and _ _ _hole. He needs to find the nearest fast moving train and walk into its path. It may take a lot more than a hot bath and a glass of wine to wash off the ick…..stay positive.


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