First of all, in case you were wondering, I am back. In New York. Have been for some time now and I will pretty much be around nonstop until Spring.   While there are still some fininshing touches left to do for my Salon d’Orleans redecoration, the main work is done, the space has been described as “the nicest I’ve seen in New York” by more than a few people. Eventually I’ll get around to posting new photos in the Salon d’Orleans Gallery but, really, you should come see for yourself. Much more fun that way. Then you can decide if it’s the “nicest” or “best equipped” or “-est” anything. Though I gotta say, I’m pretty pleased with how it’s turned out. More importantly, my scenes in the “new space” have been so energized and intense and just awesome. I love it. Heartfelt appreciation to Elizabeth, Jon, Armando, Morgana, P, L, and my renters for all their hard work, support, advice, and patience.

A Few Words About Blog Posts

I know y’all like reading these things. I like writing them. 95% of the time, though, a blog post isn’t something I just dash off. They take a few hours (uploading photos and formatting posts is pain. in. the. ass, btw.). When you haven’t seen a new blog post from me in a while, that does NOT mean I’m in hiding or not sessioning or that I don’t care. It means I’m sessioning, responding to emails, working on vanilla projects (one, in particular, is blowing up right now in an amazing way but wow! does it make my brain hurt on a regular basis), being present for the people in my life (domme and personal) that I care about, and trying to carve out enough time to be me so that I can be Troy with all my enthusiasm, passion, and verve.

As I replied to someone’s blog comment yesterday asking wondering if and when a new post might be coming:

MTO: I have about five half-finished blog posts sitting in my drafts folder. You have no idea how much I want to say but can’t find the time to write it down for you (outside of 140 characters at a time). If it makes you feel any better, I also haven’t invoiced one of my vanilla clients in more than five months… So don’t take it personally. 

This means that yet another day has passed that I have not submitted thousands of dollars in invoices — or revised and posted my new Eros Ad — just so I can write y’all instead. But I know you’re gonna show me it was worth it by replying to my posts, giving me suggestions on things to write about, donating to my Bondage Board fund (more on that soon) and, best of all, making me happy by coming in to play!

Speaking of which… gotta run!


  • MTO, Welcome hime and Congrats on the renovations to the Salon. Since it was amazing place to begin with, I am sure that the changes will only enhance the MTO Experience, which is pretty damned awesome in itself!

    Also, given your talent for writing and your willingness to share so many details of you life, please don’t be too annoyed that your faithful blog readers are always hoping and eager for more!

    Best regards,

    • @RNJ
      Thanks so much!
      And, uh, given your love of play and great energy, there is one domme I can think of who is always eager to play with you again… ahem. Maybe if you visited more often, she’d write more.

      You’re absolutely right that it’s hard to keep me in one place. An outside project, however, is limiting my ability to get out of town for more than a couple of days at a time, at least until April. I’m bristling, but in the bigger picture, it’ll be worth it (I hope!). 🙂 But while I’m here, I would love to give you a tour of the newness … whenever’s convenient for you. Just name it.

      As for posting — and I know you speak from experience! — it can definitely feel like work when I’m providing content (e.g. Twitter, site updates) and energy (emails, sessions, social time) elsewhere and I keep getting the “when are ya gonna do something else* I want?” whining in my Formspring. I don’t know who it is who keeps anonymously submitting those questions but if I did, I would hunt him down, punch him in the face, and take away his fucking computer. I less mind the attributed queries, maybe because they feel a little more personal/sincere and not so demanding.

      *”something else” could be “post pictures,” “finish your website,” “tell us about your trip,” “finish redecorating,” etc. Basically, the implication is I’m not working enough for him. Which is why I hate him. /rant

      As Mistress Servalan often says on Twitter — “Happy domme is happy!” Things are so much better that way.

  • Sometimes doing a blog post just seems like work and other times it seems to flow enthusiastically and hopefully from brain to screen. Am looking forward to getting a chance to see all the amazing renovations I’m sure you’ve made.

    Yeah…you’re going to stay in town for months…wanna bet?

  • I am so excited to play in the new and improved space. Some of my hottest, sweatiest, sexiest scenes were inspired by and done in version 1.0, so I can only imagine what will occur in the latest incarnation.

    And I’ve got my fingers (but not legs) crossed that some of those will be a pas de deux with you!

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