“What ‘Yes’ Looks Like” is a recurring feature that includes a raw, unedited photo from an actual scene of mine and a description of the story behind the picture.

You can read more “What ‘Yes’ Looks Like” entries by clicking on the eponymous tag at the end of this post.

Nipple Torture

A while ago I blogged about stillness and how I had a hard time trusting myself when it came to doing really simple, focused scenes. “Shouldn’t I be doing more?,” I wrote. “Is ‘domination’ really as easy as just staring into your eyes and [pinching your nipples]?”

Based on the responses to that post — both in the comments and from play partners who’d read it and mentioned it to me at our next session — not only did I realize that there are quite a few men out there who love nipple torture, but that a scene that centered around NT might actually be really, really hot.

As the idea percolated, I thought about all the great NT toys I had in my collection and had the idea to do an all NT scene using ALL my NT gear (well, most all of it). One of my play partners who’d been particularly keen and vocal about his interest in an NT scene, came in and I figured I’d give it a try.

I used a mess of locking leather belts to strap him to the bondage chair. Without saying a word, I placed two candles on a small folding table next to the chair. Then I emptied the box of clamps, clips, claws, and chains onto the small folding table. I pulled even more pieces from my toy cabinet, including a pair of diabolical nipple stretchers. When I saw the look on his face, I smiled.

“Maybe you’ll make my blog,” I teased. I leaned in closer. “Yeah, baby. I’ll make you famous.”


I had such a great time with the all NT session, I repeated the scene at least 2-3 more times with different players — some of whom were NT enthusiasts, some were just game for a good time. I found myself thriving on their reaction, getting giddy with sadism as I switched among clamps and fingernails and sharp things and hot things and stinging things. There was a definite sense of intimacy too. Maybe something about his face being so close to my chest and my own unmolested nipples. Maybe it was my hands, always so close to his heart.


  • Extremely hot! I love your last line about making him famous; crazy sexy and intense.

    I was looking at the picture and noticed the great collection. I also noticed two things in particular: the “C” clamps, which I’ve never even considered but will add to my toy bag, and the lack of chopsticks. I attended a class that made use of them for their compression and twisting abilities. They work amazingly well, which I’m sure you already know. Of course, nothing beats the versatility and intimacy, and pain delivering possibilities like fingernails and teeth.

    Great blog post! Thanks for sharing that scene!

  • Eponymous: giving one’s name to a tribe, place, etc.: Romulus, the eponymous founder of Rome.

    Yes, I had to look it up. No, it is not a good scrabble word. For the others who read the word and cocked their head to the side and went “huh?”; you’re welcome. I think she means for us to click on “scenes”, but that is just my postulation.

  • MTO,

    I think the up close and personal nature of such a scene would cause one to want to take more and more of the pain you are delivering – whether he can handle it or not.

    Good stuff.

    Hope your travels are going well.


  • MTO,

    To think these few scenes statted with the post;

    “Is Domination simply staring into your eyes and twisting your nipples?”


    Talk about making “blog” history……I hope you are keeping notes for your memoirs.

    I want to be part of the “What Yes looks like” series. Come back to Boston!


    • @aarkey
      Thanks for the very important reminder!

      I like drawing my inspiration from the unlikeliest of sources. As I tried to explain to a play partner recently, “I listen to you. I am paying attention.” It’s like, I may not incorporate what you say or what I hear when you want, but I’m always right on time. That’s another reason I love y’all’s comments.

      Glad you approve.

      I used “eponymous” because I thought I’d added tags to my blog, including one called, “What Yes Looks Like” but it turned out the tags didn’t work so I had to remove them. But there will, eventually, be a way for you to click for all the “What Yes Look Like” series.

      As for the toys … I do have chopsticks (of course … as the joke goes, “What don’t I have?”) but they weren’t on the table. I like them but haven’t really used them much. Maybe now I will since you’ve reminded me.

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